Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions for MORE App

Privacy Policy for the MORE App

With this privacy policy we want to explain to you how and why we use your personal data when you use the MORE app. We do it with care and we follow applicable law including but not limited to the rules of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

To be able to provide you with the MORE service (i.e. to enable you to participate in studies as configured by a study controller which may include receiving and responding to surveys or questionnaires and participating in sensor data collection from mobile phones or wearable or stationary sensor device connected to the MORE platform or app) we need some information about you (i.e. your personal data):

Our legitimate interest for collecting storing and utilizing your personal data in the categories listed above is to give you the right and ability to use our service to improve our services by correcting errors and adding new functionalities as well as to inform you of updates of the app. We may also for the same reason need to use your personal data to defend ourselves in the frame of legal proceedings.

Whenever taking part in a study explicit consent for each data collection module used in that study has to be given by the user.

We may share your data with researchers associated to the respective study via their role as administrator operator or viewer. We will not transfer your personal data to any third party without your written consent.

The use of the MORE platform is entirely voluntary. The above data is processed on the basis of your consent to take part in a study run by the MORE platform.

We store and process your personal data no longer than needed for meeting the purposes for which your data were collected i.e. study and research purposes.

Your personal data is kept confidential. All reasonable physical electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your personal data are taken. We take all appropriate measures to safeguard and prevent unauthorized access to your personal data including appropriate identity management measures pseudonymization and anonymization where possible encryption where needed. Your data will stay with us in the EU or on services providing a legally permissible GDPR adequacy recognition.

We will keep your personal data confidential and we will do all we reasonably can to keep it safe on our servers. We will use organizational measures such as access management which means that we will make sure that within our organization and also among registered members of a study team only selected persons can access your data. We will also implement technical measures to secure your data such as anonymisation and pseudonymisation and encryption in storage and particularly in transport.

We will only keep your data for as long as we need it to provide you with our service or to defend ourselves in the frame of legal proceedings.

You can ask us for a copy of your data you can also ask us to correct data that is wrong and add missing information. You can ask us to stop using your data and erase it. Under certain conditions you can also ask us to use your data only for specific reasons.

You can also delete any data that is currently held in the app on your phone yourself by deleting the application and selecting for all linked local data to be removed as well if you are really sure you do not want to use it anymore. But don’t forget that once the data is deleted you (or we) cannot recover it!

Terms and Conditions for the MORE App

A. MORE is an application provided to you as a mobile application for connecting with survey providers and participating in surveys or questionnaires as well as for collecting sensor data from mobile phones and wearable or stationary sensing devices as described in Annex 1. The MORE Application facilitates the communication between a study participant and a Study Controller (as defined below).

B. These terms and conditions govern your access to and use of the MORE services. Before you use the services you have to carefully read and accept these terms. By using these services you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

C. MORE in a clinical setting is only intended as a means of communication between a practitioner and a client. It is not a diagnostic tool for any physical psychological or other condition nor a tool for preventing alleviating or curing any condition. Any information you receive or consult on this website or app cannot be seen as medical or therapeutic advice and you acknowledge and accept that MORE does not provide any medical services. If you have mental or physical health issues consult a doctor or therapist. If you need urgent medical assistance please call the emergency services.

By agreeing to this license agreement you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:


1.1. “Application” shall mean the mobile MORE application for connecting with Study Controllers and participating in studies as described in Annex 1.

1.2. “Study Controller” shall mean a practitioner or researcher with whom you are or have been linked and who can provide surveys to you or enact sensor data collection from mobile phones or wearable or stationary sensing devices via the Application.

1.3. “Agreement” shall mean these terms and conditions together with all their annexes.


2.1. Minors under and between the age of 13 and 18 taking in consideration national data protection legislation can only use the services with the consent and under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian who holds the parental authority over the minor.

2.3. If we discover that the MORE services are used by a minor without consent of a parent or legal guardian the account and data of the minor will be removed.


3.1. Access to the MORE services via the Application requires you downloading the app and signing in via a token which the platform issues to the party that manages the study (study controller). You are not allowed to use the MORE App on behalf of anyone but yourself. You are responsible for safeguarding your token.

3.2. You shall keep the token secret and you will not share the token your participation ID or other personally identifying information associated with the app with anyone.

3.3. You agree that you will not attempt to discover or use the token of anyone else. You will not attempt registering with tokens that are not handed to you by study controllers or parties acting on their behalf including but not limited to by means of using a machine script bot spider crawler or scraper. We shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with the above. We reserve the right to disable access to your account at our discretion if you do not comply with these terms and conditions.


4.1. The MORE services are constantly being updated and their format or content may change without prior warning. We shall make all reasonable efforts in accordance with market standards to ensure the accessibility of the Application. However access to the Application may be temporarily suspended without prior warning in case of any technical errors maintenance work or for any other reason. The MORE services or parts thereof may also be suspended for individual users or all users without prior warning and we also reserve the right to interrupt any access to the Application if the terms and conditions for the use of the Application are breached. We shall not be held liable for any damage or loss if for any reason the Application is temporarily or permanently unavailable or access to the Application is restricted.

4.2. You are responsible for your use of the Application and for any content you provide on or via the Application including any data text files information images graphic art copyrighted works links or any other content or material. You cannot send any unsolicited commercial offensive or harmful communication to any other users of the MORE services and you cannot share any confidential illegal harmful or libellous content or any content infringing third party rights on the Application. We do not endorse support represent or guarantee the accuracy completeness or reliability of any content provided by you on the Application. We do not monitor or control the content you provide and shall not be liable for any content you have provided via the Application and your use of or provision of any content in the Application is at your own risk. We reserve the right to remove any content at our discretion and without prior warning.

4.3. You cannot use the MORE services for any illegal or unauthorized purposes and you shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations. You shall not try to restrict any other user in the use of the MORE services and you shall not enable or encourage any other user to violate these terms and conditions or any other conditions of the MORE services. You shall not hinder or disrupt the provision of the MORE services by using spyware malware viruses or any other destructive code. We reserve the right to disable access to your account at our discretion if you do not comply with these terms and conditions or if your use of Application forms a legal risk to us.


5.1. We will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the information we provide on the Application is correct. We may change the content or features offered on the Application or the functionalities or features in the application at any time without prior warning but we have no obligation to make any updates to the services that are provided.

5.2. You understand that the information we provided on the Application may not always be accurate complete or fit for your purpose.


6.1. Unless otherwise noted all (trade) marks logos service marks domain names drawings models patents copyrights (including all rights relating to software) and moral rights rights relating to databases software know-how and other rights as well as all other industrial and intellectual rights in each case regardless of whether they are registered or not and including the applications for registration as well as all equivalent rights or means of protection leading to a similar result anywhere in the world.

6.3. You remain the owner of any content you provide and you give us a worldwide non-exclusive royalty-free license to use the content for providing the MORE services and for improving them.

6.4. This license does not comprise the right to incorporate the Application or parts of it into (software) products which are sold or otherwise transferred to third parties. The grant of this license does not include the right to use the Application to provide services for the benefit of third parties or to provide clinical or medical services.


7.1. The Application contains third-party code which is licensed as set out in Annex 2.


8.1. The Application in the version that this agreement pertains to can be downloaded via the Apple or Google App stores and in order to start using it you will need to enter a token that will be made available to you for participation in a particular study by the respective responsible study team (study controllers).

8.2. This Agreement does not contain promise or guarantee any offer of support on using installing managing or otherwise operating the Software.


The MORE Application consists of a mobile application for use on a smartphone. The Application allows users to connect with MORE backend services at freely configurable endpoints (URLs i.e. internet addresses under which studies are hosted; all studies covered in these terms and conditions will be hosted on a subdomain or URL of through which Study Controllers can host studies that may include receiving surveys or questionnaires assigned to participants by connected Study Controller(s) and respond to survey questions was well as to engage in sensor data collection from mobile phones wearable devices or stationary sensor devices. Application users can read and agree to or decline informed consent for any study they are asked to participate in (by signing in to study participation provided to them by the study controller(s)). The application also provides an overview of measures and data collection efforts that are part of the study and allows the configuration of sensor device connections and linking. Please note that this description pertains to the main releases of MORE. Since the MORE source code is available to other parties and since the platform can be extended different functionalities may be included in modified versions.


The Application is written in the Java / Kotlin language with translations to Swift / Xcode for the iOS version of the app. The Application also includes a range of third-party packages and libraries to perform our services such as Firebase.